The South Eastern Pennsylvania Garden Railway Society was founded in 1990 to serve the needs of large scale model railroad enthusiasts in the Delaware Valley. Our main objective is to promote model railroad activities of the large scale type, both indoor and outdoor layouts. We encourage all aspects of the hobby from the kit bashers and scratch builders, from the train enthusiast to the gardener and the beginner to the experienced hobbyist.
Come join in the fun you and your family can have with large-scale railroading. Families can combine many interest including model railroading, gardening, ponds and aquatic gardens, crafts and more. One way of the best ways of learning about large scale railroading is through sharing of the experience and knowledge with other enthusiasts.
Family dues for membership are $20 per year. A newsletter is published providing club news, technical information, featured articles and information on upcoming events. Anyone who has an interest in large scale railroading is welcome and may join by clicking on the link below and completing the membership application and mail to SEPGRS Membership, 1572 Edgewood Rd, Yardley, PA 19067-4406 or e-mail to: SEPGRS Membership
Download Membership Application